Aura & Chakra Readings
Capturing information from our aura stimulates awareness and selfcure
Complete Aura Reading
The aura reading follows the Le.Co.P.E.A. Method created by Anna Di Natale e Roberto Mantovani. The first part of the reading is a phase of perception of the aura (energetic layers of our body) of the person with the the subtle senses, followed by an explenation of the reading with a Q&A part and a final part of an aura treatment. The duration is one hour and a half. Available either in presence or online.
Aura Reading
The aura reading follows the Le.Co.P.E.A. Method in all of its parts except from the final aura treatment. The duration is one hour. This option is suggested for online treatment.

Chakra Reading
A reading of the 7 principal chakras: Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara.
Chakra Reading Plus
A reading of the 7 principal, 2 minors and 2 transpersonal chakras with a final session