Holistic Treatments

For Your Integrated Wellness


Crystals Therapy

Cristals and stones can be used to rebalance our energetic systems. The method I follow is the Lithoterapy of Regina Martino which allows an in depth work of perception of the energetic field and the selection of the best Cristals and stones based on chakras. Available in presence or online.

Potagoric Numerology

Numbers have their own energy and we trough our date of birth and name we can discover which kind of Energy is more active in our life giving us an in depth understanding of our unique life path and talents.

Bach Flower Consultation

“With the stones in my hand I felt a sense of relief and my energy field expanded. It gave me a sense of elevation and softness”.


“It is incredible how I could perceive the energy of the crystals and in particular I loved the sun stone.”
